Our age is beginning to poke thru all the gloss we put up front. I am almost ready to admit I cannot hang with the young-uns,, not quite yet but someday soon.
And it’s not so much that we can’t hang, but it’s tough to ‘go on vacation’ with guests when we still have to tend to the business. And when friends show up, we seem to go on vacation with them. Whine whine whine, snivel.
Now, I am no way against tattoos, but,, and there is always a but, I appreciate all the work and effort that goes into tattoos, I just can’t justify the cost. Obviously others can.
But not only is this a nice tiger, but it was installed on a very nice thigh!
This is Garretts wife, Sarah. A girl who's cute-ness just flows!

I believe they had a good time. They went snorkeling/vomiting, endured a terrible van ride to a ruin site, and I took them to the waterfalls in Cockscomb basin.
They ab-so-lut-ly loved the MB hotel! And we logged some considerable time on the barstools at the V.I.P. lounge as well, with McNugget.
Garrett, refers to me as his ‘second Dad, and I am looking at him as my adopted child.
His father and I were best friends from around 7th grade until he died in ’04. We went to school/ditched together, we worked bullshit jobs together in our youth, we joined the Navy together in ’76, he got discharged and went to Oregon and got married, I went back to Denver. He moved back to Denver around ’81 and we hooked back up. He was the best man in our wedding. We both worked at the University of Denver till I went to work at Denver Public Schools and he went off to CSU to work in their Co-gen plant.
Then he left there and came to join me at DPS.
We did everything together. We camped together all those years, we rode dirt bikes together, we entered races’ together, he always finished ahead of me.
(he was always faster than me but I was said to be ‘smoother’, must be a code word for slower.)
To say the least,, we were tight. And did I mention all the epic drinking sessions?
We left Denver in ’98. He took over my job at DPS. Him and his wife, Nancy came to visit once and it was a monumental visit!
Then in ’04 something happened. There was a whole lot of shit happening that I can only try to figger out from my other buddies, but one night my best friend put a pistol in his mouth and ended the special thing we had going.
Now, as I walked thru Cockscomb Basin with his son who I watched grow up, I could not only see my friend Jim, but I could hear his voice. It got eerie more than once as Garrett sounded exactly like his dad! Not so much what he said, which was pretty close, but the sound of his voice. It made me stop and look.
I miss my best friend and am actually dropping some tears right now, but I am going to do my damdest to be best friends with his son, Garret.
Matt, Noah,, don’t let this mean I think less of you two, you’re in this conversation as well,, I just did not spend a week with you guys.
This post is dedicated to my best friend, James Henry Weiler. R.I.P.
Friend,, I’ll be here for your sons.
Aaww, Bill....I got teary-eyed reading your blog. I know it's been some time ago, but I am sorry about your friend. What a sad sad thing. It's great that you got to spend time with his son.
Beautiful........ you made me cry.
Nice post, ya big galoot.
Tears here too....
I never did comment on what an impact Jim had on my life. I expected him to be here for me for years. He was so much a part of our lives, and I'm sorry but I still have a hard time forgiving him for leaving us.
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