Friday, October 15, 2010

Can you hear me now,,?

Got us a new-fangled phone. Oh boy is it fangled too.
BTL (phone company) came out months ago and installed a new ‘wireless’ phone. Remember that extra antenna we got? When they left they said for us to try it out and they would come back to see how it works. The phone quit after the first call and they never came back. Then the original wireless quit also.
We went to pay our bill/bitch, and they told us the original has been discontinued, but someone will come check on the new one.
They came out and reset it, and showed me how to reset it and left again.
So far it has been working for 2 days!
For the life of me I just don’t understand why they don’t run phone lines up here?

We are down to one chicken. Don’t know the where-abouts of hen #2.
This one must be a lonely slut as she has changed her morning, afternoon and evening greeting from ‘cock-a-doodle-doo’, to ‘any-cock’l-doo’. Scurvy barely lifts his head.

Might go check out the progress of the V.I.P. lounge tonight. See if they got a proper piss hole yet. Apparently that’s important.

I recognize that vomiting is just the body’s way of making room for another round.

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