I believe I have mentioned before how we consider ourselves very lucky. Lucky in the fact that in almost 13 years of nesting here at ‘Chez Barnacle’s, we have not had ANY neighbors. Fuck has that been nice. I have tried to piss off my nearest neighbors with music and such, with no results. And I tried.
We have met the neighbors to the north of us and they said they were not going to do anything. That was 10 years ago or so. Now we get an e-mail from them say they are coming down soon to ‘make plans’. FUCK. Here we go.
Now when they plunked that ‘For Sale’ sign into the lot to the south of us, that was bad day.
So am I wrong that whenever some real-estate agent shows up to show lot 24, I get naked, grab some beer, crank up Ozzy Osborne and dance around the DoubleWide like an epileptic?
And Mrs. Barn has become very good at imitating a Tourette’s patient on crack.
Even got Scurvy trained to start draggin his butt all over the place, yowlin.
So are we wrong?
Didn’t think so.
Check out the new rental car in da hood. I never really seen these things before but it looked kinda cool sitting in our parking area.
Like a mini gangsta car.
Usually it’s those little cheesy Suzuki skateboards, or worse.
Problems back in Denver again.
I know you know my dad is old and frail, but now my mom is having issues that I need to go see about.
Many of you have already gone thru what I am about to and if any one has any suggestions or tips I would be open to listen. It really sucks to watch your parents get old.
And not only that, Mrs. Barn has both her parents creeping up there as well.
So off to Denver I go. May be slow on the updates as mom’s computer is just about as old, but I’ll keep up.
So as Mrs. Barn is off playing poker at ‘ladies night’, I went bowling.
This is the kinda ten-pin strike I aim for. And believe me, I knocked each and every one of them FLAT!
Todays hotties.
DISCLAIMER TO THE FEMALE READERS: I am not qualified to pick out these male hotties. Don’t bitch at me if they are not what you had in mind.
"I'm not allowed in there, and quite frankly I don't blame them."
3 weeks ago
Hey Bill,
Sorry to hear about your Mom. That does suck. I hope you can see to it that they both are getting the care they need.
Take it easy
While you are in Denver trying to help your folks, remember to take care of yourself as well.
I had to move back home when both of my parents became too ill. We were a "2 hospice house" and it was very hard.
Good luck.
This phase in life sucks no matter what anyone says. There is nothing anyone can say or do. We all go through it as other's have gone before us and will after us. These are the things in life that parents cannot teach and therefore never tried to. All we can do is to enjoy what little time is left and remember what is really important in life.
We will always have the memory of our youth and those who have made us who and what we are today.
Remember to give Mom and Dad a big hug every time you see them and tell them you love them.
Sorry for you. Hang in there.
As for the new neighbor's? I do the same but I go out naked with a couple beers to give to the agent and their client. "Welcome to the neighborhood. Hope you don't mind my not bringing out frosted mugs but the freezor is down" lololol
So far? No new Neighbor's. Wife just said, "neighbors, you just can't shoot em" lolol but taking pot shot's won't hurt.
We too are dealing with parents. My thoughts are with you. Beliken helps I don't know an equal up in Denver, PBR maybe? Mom liked her Beliken when she'd visit, but that couldn't keep her on CC. So now we are taking her to St. Croix, she can get her Miller light there.
Cheers & good luck,
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