I don’t like events. Lets get that right out there. And I really don’t like event photography. OK, a motocross race I won’t consider an event and I love shooting those, but most of the other I will shy away from.
I was asked to pitch in and help shoot photos of the “Blessing of the Lagoon” last Friday. The GOB is allowing any and every developer do whatever they want out there from using it as their sole source of fill for other projects to just plain filling it in to make more land to sell. On any given day there can be more dredgers out there than boats! Mangroves and wildlife are disappearing faster than cold Belikins at my house!
So the PCSD (peninsula citizens for sustainable development) sponsored this blessing to help draw attention to the problem. It’s a volunteer group who really want to make a difference.
Now,, imagine me in the mix with 4-5 preachers and an entire pack of religious folks, praying!
(I did have the fore-site to bring a cooler of beer with me)
There was enough ‘blessed be unto thee’s’, ‘hollowed be they name’, ‘glory be on high,’ to fill a book!
Drumming lasted about 10 minutes, no dancing that I recall, and a couple religious songs were sung. Mostly prayin. Then they ‘blessed’ some lagoon water and tossed it back.
I try not to laugh at this shit, to each his own. But to me you can’t be of clear head to think that will do anything! Maybe they don’t. But mixing some ‘blessed’ water with lagoon murk then tossing it back in the lagoon, didn’t change the lagoon any,, and I went to look!
For what the group had planned I think they pulled it off. It made the news channels and gave the whole mess some needed attention. So it was a good thing in that aspect.
My photos were OK at best. Selections were limited but that’s just an excuse. I don’t like event photography. It did give me a chance to bring out one of my favorite lens tho. My 80-200 zoom.
Mrs. Barn has an entire assload of new stuff she has not had the chance to ‘cook’ yet. When she does I’ll post them.
A-fuckin-men, ya’ll.
Mrs. Barn: "What do we need something sitting in the living room taking up electricity for? We have you for that!"
1 month ago
Anything that calls attention to the plight of the lagoon is ok in my book.
If they didn't invite any Frisbeeterians to throw water, it won't work.
Reminds me of my neices wedding this year. The weather had been shitty right up to the big day, thankfully the weather cleared up for the outdoor wedding. I went up to a friend of my mom's and said, "I'm glad that the weather changed." to which she replied "Of course it did, we prayed for it." To which I replied "You selfish bitch, you got a direct pipeline to God and you only pray for good weather for this wedding, don't you know there are lagoons out there that need saving!!! But I'm with you on not praying for those lousy starving kids in this world, if they didn't want to starve they could pray for themselves!!!" The nerve of some CHRISTIANS!!!
If you don't hear form me for a while, it's probably because I'm dodging lightning bolts from God and prayers and angry E-Mails from "good" Christians!
You also might ought to have a sign around your neck to wear during thunderstorms that says "Don't stand too close to me."
I waited for the bus to pick me up but it never came. So I missed the lagoon blessing. Shit, I hate it when I miss the bus.
So I drank my beer on my beach.
Had a few blessing of my own. Spilled my beer twice and prayed to God not to let that happen again. So far so good.
WHEW!!! I think I'm safe (at least from lightning strikes!), I finally remembered about asking for forgiveness so I asked God to forgive me, he was reluctant at first, until I reminded him that he made me this way!
good angle
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