Friday, November 7, 2008

I can see clearly now the rain has gone,,,,,

Well I must say, things have been steadily improving around here. We could start with Musa getting the boot. Looks like we will sneak thru the hurricane season intact, the weather has been perfect, Obama won and Palin lost, O.J. is in jail, there is actual work being done to pave the road, the season is looking pretty good booking’s wise, fuel prices just dropped, everyone is healthy even dad!
Things could be a lot worse! And to top it all off, my contractor sez “today, fer shore”!

A few items to report. I guess I just don’t get out enough but yesterday I discovered the real, live, hardware store Albert has opened! Nobody told me, I been driving on down the stinkin road when I need something. It’s a nice one too, even sells cookies!
Maya Beach Hotel is open again. Their new pool and outside stuff is done along with all the inside improvements. Check it out, it will be a hit!

The little Mennonite house that has been plopped down next to Maya air’s terminal is to be a branch of hertz rental car. Gonna be lots of rental car choices soon.
The ‘Lost Reefer’s’ are playin at Mango’s tonight.
A popular drink that has been making the rounds,, the “Obama”, white rum, dark rum, and passion fruit!

The old community center in Seine Bight is gone. Photo soon to follow.

That’s Morey, being careful not to curl his hair(further)!

And the young surveyor shootin down the road towards Mango’s. there is a stick by our house, don’t know what it means, but initial indications are that our thatch carport will survive the road expansion!
I asked the young guy and he said we were fine, but I don’t know if he was qualified to make that statement? I also gave him a beer.

“You’re hard to remember, but easy to forget.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just remember dump trucks? Wait till the road work starts when the dry comes!!! But at least then you know the road is coming, something to look forward to. But then see how fast they drive past your place, keep Scurvy on a tight leash then.