I’m not one to talk politics. I am not qualified for starters. I don’t keep up on allot of stuff, I have absolutely no idea what this economic situation is all about. So I stay out.
I do get a bit riled when shit happens that to me appears to be just plain stupid. One item that stands out to me was Sonny Bono being elected to, what was it the senate? Then he skied his ass into a tree.
So what do they do? Give the job to his wife!! Didn’t make much sense to me.
Now we have the hockey-mom. WHAT? The comedians are having a blast with this one.
“What does a VP do?”,, “ I can see Russia from my house!”,, “I’ll have to get back to you on that.”
And tonight we get to watch her ‘supposedly’ perform on her own, no monitor, no cue cards, just her. I hope they check her for a hidden michrophone in her ear!
I would absolutely love to hear her say, “I would like to use a life-line. I want to phone a friend.”
This will be interesting to watch.
Closer to home, Belize slipped a few notches down on the corruption scale. Naturaly the new guy sez it’s because the poll was taken before he was elected. And if you can believe any of the newspapers, which I have a hard time doing, the UDP now is having some real trouble inside the party. The mayor of BZ city is being accused of things each week it seems. Now the MOW is under investigation as well.
OK, that’s enough politics for me.
We are talking about the calendar idea that was brought up featuring the areas seniors. There are a few already lined up and willing and the rest should be easy enough to find. One problem,, I have not done much research at all but I looked at a couple ‘on-line’ places to get prices. They all have a minimum naturally, and the price for that has been hovering around 450.00US for a batch but I forget the #.
I have a request in to the local folks and will hopefully get a quote soon. So if anyone else has someplace in mind, please share. We don't have 450 bucks lying around, especially this time of year! We decided that once the cost is recouped; the profits should go to some good cause. I was going to suggest a school but with both villages involved we don’t want to piss off one and not the other!! (everyone should be equally pissed off) So, if any ideas come to mind that all involved could appreciate, drop them into the comment box please. And if I can’t pull it all together at all, I will still try to get the photos out somewhere. Ellie is good about putting stuff like that into the Breeze. Any and all ideas are welcome and appreciated!
I have heard now a couple folks are having a tough time with the comment feature.
Here’s how it works,, just click on the comment thingy at the bottom of each post. When the box opens, write yer comment. Choose a identity from the 3 choices, if anonymous, just add your name to the bottom of your comment,,, if you want. And hit submit. Easy as chuggin a cold Belikin on a hot day! Well, any day for that matter.
“Alcohol is like love: the first kiss is magic, the second is intimate, the third is routine. After that you just take the girl’s clothes off.”
5 weeks ago
The calendar is a great idea!!!! Why not share the proceeds (after expenses) between the two school? That way everyone is happy. And I would be more than happy to post it in the Breeze for you.
Try printpelican.com
They are running about 3.50-4.50 a piece, depending on how many you order.
Hey Barn, I emailed you about the camera again.
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