Sunday, March 10, 2013

Smoke smoke smoke that ciggarette,,,

We have a new drinking schedule round here, not too happy with it but I go along.
And one night a week Mrs. Barn still plays poker with her friends.
I go out for a few and try to get back in time to phone mom while I can still talk.
And sometimes during that coherent period I get out my gear and shoot things, usualy silly things like Barbie and the Troll, of Tweener wear shades, that kinda shit.
Well last week or so it was smoke.
I shot of about a dozen of these that I liked but more importantly I came up with some good ideas for the next time.
Stay tuned!

"If you resolve to give up smoking, drinking, you don't actually live longer; it just seems longer."

1 comment:

sandy a said...

those are really cool pics! I think you could sell some of them for advertising or something! Especially the last one--I really like it