And before you ask if she was Ruptured again, let me assure you she was not.
Nope, this time gone for real. Gone by the way of the big silver bird, gone.
She went to visit her parents for a week, left me all alone here to wallow in my own loneliness.
Well I did that for a day then decide to hit the town.
I had to go get the boys some gas for the weed eater so what better excuse to hit Barefoot bar for their noon happy hour!
Granted noon is not the happenest time to hit Barefoot but I enjoy talking to Mel and Brice.
Slurped down a
Next stop, Mangos.
Order beer, chug, repeat.
Got some gossip and spread some rumors so all went well.
Next MB Hotel.
It was Ellen’s birthday so I best stop and see if there were any shenanigans going down.
None. Only thing going down was the cold beers!
But Ellen did decide to make this graph so show Mrs. Barn how I progressed thru the afternoon.

Next, me and Scurvy went to the V.I. P. lounge.
But, nothing happnin there and now those all beef hot dogs I got from Mango’s were calling my name.
Besides, Scurvy can’t go to the V.I.P. lounge. Their big black dog, Menjecko kicks his ass. But he had a great time in the other bars. I should have got a photo of him passed out in the beachside door at Mango’s with his hair just blowin in the wind, all happy and smiling.
Anyway, I survived the afternoon, no one was arrested, no blood, no fouls.
Survived to drink another day.
I wish some other hummers would come round here. These guys are getting monotonous.

God made pot. Man made beer. Who do you trust?
It's not about trust
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