It started a few years back when a net of sorts washed up. Someone, I don’t remember who, strung it across a seagrape tree on our property. Then someone else stuck some washed up Barbie parts in the net. It took off from there. It filled up with all the washed up ‘treasures’ our guests have found while walking the beach. Then another net was added, more Barbies, and then it became ‘art’.
Mark and Natalie come visit nearly every year and Natalie is responsible for all the latest’s cool stuff.
We call it ‘networking’.
She has added time in a bottle, a few hand painted hunks of driftwood depicting a nekked woman, a scarlet macaw, and a rasta giraffe? Just to name a few.
Here’s a well worn out flip-flop. Notice the nail repair job!
This year she also added a group of ‘village idiots’. (not a slam on the village people down south from us! nooooo)
And a way cool jaguar face painting!
Theres army men, firemen, dogs, horses, tanks, busses, motorcycles, legs, arms, torso’s, heads, feet, shoes, arms, everything you can think of is in the plastic area.
You never know what will show up next.
There's even a painting of Scurvy!
5 weeks ago
Tres is what you make of it....found objects are always fun to work with.
I find little plastic army men all the time. I used to have my own battle field set up on a log with tanks and jets included. My own military base. But the plastic fell apart like everything else. Last night's walk down the beach brought me a new pair of unmatched flip flops MY SIZE. The Mrs's found one flip and a clog HER SIZE. I swear some day I want to be stranded on a deserted island so I can see how much stuff I find I can use to build and outfit a house. Forks, spoons, knives (all plastic) food strainers, just ton's of good stuff.
Dig it! I didn't know that anyone could add to the pile! I always see all kinds of doll parts and werid stuff on the beach.
BTW, those people were cool.
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