Monday, September 14, 2009

Welcome to my world, won't you come on in,,,

This post has no actual nudity but hopefully once you read it you will feel dirty and need a shower!
So, having made that disclaimer, if you’re still with me, let’s go.

From time to time I get some interesting stuff in the mail. And sometimes it is way interesting!
See , I can handle it. I am un-offendable. Most of you know that and send me shit they would not normaly send anyone else. Other shit I find on my own and just can’t wait to share with you just how fucked up the world really is.
Let’s begin with this. A site someone sent me called ‘chicks with fish’. OK,, let’s have a look.

Yes, that’s an octopus bra!

And here’s one for the ladies… I think the darker shorts were the better choice..

And let’s all hope the rumors are not true about the Mental Breach Water Aerobics Team (womens elite division), will be converting to this style workout!

DOMINATRIX WORKOUT! from Everything Is Terrible on Vimeo.

And this last video is just for fun!

And this is exactly what it sounds like Hot chicks picking up dogshit!

It’s your world, I’m just living in it!


Unknown said...

I'm sorry I'm way disappointed in that aerobics video ... I know you can do better than that!

RPM said...

I love the quick improv when the vase gets knocked over. That's talent.

Anonymous said...

I liked the red shorts better