Are you getting married? Getting divorced? Baptized? Going to the gallows? Spayed or neutered?
Well, I’m your man. I will perform your services no matter what they may be.
“Dearly bedrunken, we are gathered here within sight of that case of beer, to happily join this man/women with that frosty cold beer. To cherish and enjoy till piss do you part.”
Call on me when your needs arise.
Take a close look at Willard here. This was the last photo taken of him before he departed this world by way of a snake’s digestive system.
May your journey be smooth and free of peanuts and corn?
3 weeks ago
You know you can get ordained online.
Dear Reverend Barnacle-One,
Where were you when they needed you?
Guess who the latest newlyweds are here in Mental Breach as of Friday,
19 June.
Yes it's from the horses own mouths.
Jim and Sarah Robinson got married.
Dear Reverend Barancle One,
Where the hell were you when they needed you?
Guess who the latest newlyweds are here in Mental Breach as of Friday, 19 June?
Jim and Sarah Robinson got married in Dangriga Friday. Yes it's true, right from the horses mouths.
Sorry bout you losin out on that case of Belikin.
Dear Reverend Barnacle One,
Where the hell were you when they needed you?
Guess who the latest newlyweds are here in Mental Breach as of Friday, 19 June.
Jim and Sarah Robinson got married in Dangriga on Friday. Yes It's true, got it right from the horses own mouths.
Sorry bout U losin out on that case of Belikin.
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