While Monday’s opening day ceremonies were not as lavish as I had expected, Tuesdays activity more than made up for the poor start to ‘Construction Season ‘09”. As anticipated, trucks began their daily back and forth routine early and continued into the evening. Good news is, seems most trucks were of the road repair type, not the usual condo dump trucks. Sunday as I sat at the airstrip waiting for some guests, I got to watch a dredger be hauled in to try to lift a dump truck out of a sink-hole that was swallowing it right up! I was rooting for the sink-hole.
The new sign at both ends of the dirt road tell us that this is a "road rehabilitation project". How fitting, even the road needs rehab!
As long as the road is being discussed, let me say a few things about the trash along the road. For the life of me I just can’t understand people. Why would you throw your trash out the bus window? Or off your bike? I have seen folks drop their empty chicken box right at their feet when the last leg bone has been sucked so clean it could be used as jewelry. Just drop it right where they are standing, whether a trash can is nearby or not. The road is covered on both sides by plastic coke bottles. They fly from the windows of all vehicles, from the handlebars of bikes, to the guy just walking down the road. Sure, I was not raised to do that, but it just seems to be common sense to me. I could go on and on but I need to stop somewhere.
Then there are the business owners who have garbage piles lying mere feet from their front door? Once again, common sense tells me that folks may be a bit turned off by this and go elsewhere. Especially if the business happens to be a restaurant!!! But it lays there for weeks, month’s maybe.
When the rare occasion erupts where the critters breech the security system I have installed on my trash cans, I clean it up as soon as I find it, no matter who did it, dogs or coons.
Why people don’t keep it clean is beyond me.
The old saying 'common sense is not very common', comes to mind.
Also, it was one week ago we switched from Placencia trash pick-up to Siene Bight’s service.
We have not had a pick up since? I see their truck go by, but it’s a good thing I bought 2 extra trash cans, cause maggots need somewhere to live too.
Baseball is wrong:
man with four balls cannot walk.
3 weeks ago
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