Friday, January 9, 2009

My 'fact checker' works just fine thank you,,,

I made an airstrip run yesterday. A couple items to report.
The dredger that was buried up to the cab in a mud/swamp hole has been removed. Now there is a giant hole at the corner near Rum Point that had busted water pipes sticking out all over and trucks from BEL and BTL all gathered around for repairs to the wires. Oops,,
Work on the road continues at a good pace. I seen what looked like tankers of hot asphalt go by but I couldn’t find them on the airstrip run.

In a related road issue, seems our stateside donated bailey bridge that was to be used to replace the Kendall bridge, won’t be. Nope, we are now fast approaching the 1 year mark that the bridge went bye bye, and they are now back at square uno! They decided the bridge won’t work out at that site and have decided to keep it for use somewhere else. They estimate one to two more years for a new bridge to be built so, we can just get used to the dirt bridge washing away when it rains,,, for 2 more years!
I think Barrow dropped the ball on this one from the start!

I stopped at the water board office in S.B. to inquire as to WTF happened to our trash service?
“De foking truk, wha bruk all up. Meebe end wek.” “Yes Sir, it appears we are experiencing some mechanical difficulties with the trash truck. Please be patient and we should resume service to your area as soon as Friday. Thank you for your support, and please enjoy a cold beer on us.”
But, bigger than all shit, a small pickup truck came by and emptied all of my cans! Impressive!! AND put the cans back in their cage all nice and neat!!!!! Yea baby,, this may work out well after all.

And if there is any question to the accuracy of the ‘facts’ I haphazardly spew all over this blog, rest assured, this blog is like the Bible,, only better!(actual facts)

As for the poll, it seems the “alleged perpetrator" is not receiving any slack. So far it’s 100% send her ass to A.C.!

Someone tells me they don’t drink anymore, and I bravely respond, “Don’t worry about it, buddy, I’ll take up your slack!”

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