Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Holy banana Batman,,,

It rained all night! Makes me wonder if the Kendal Bridge is out? And as I go to the Morrings today to pick up guests, I bet the road will be total shit! And I don’t think I will bother to wash the truck.

I have gotten kinda tired of shooting humming birds. It has gotten monotonous. But last night I think I found something to keep me happy for awhile. Bats! I have been feeding a group of Chachalaca’s for a few months now. I almost got them eating a banana out of my hand! I had left a chunk of banana out and as we were drinking beer out on the doublewide, about a dozen bats started dive bombing that piece of banana. I went in and got a camera and fired off these quick shots. Now that I see they could care less about me or the flash, I will set up the lights on stands, grab a chair and some beer, and get jiggy with it!
Looks like I best watch my fingers!

COMMITMENT (ko-mit-ment) n.
Female.... A desire to get married and raise a family.
Male.... .. Trying not to hit on other women while out with this one.


Anonymous said...

those pics are SO awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely fantastic. My crazy son caught one of these last month whilst it was feasting on a papaya.

Anonymous said...

Great bat photos!