Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Dump all trash and garbage clear of the stern,,"

Not to be out-done, Singing Sands is also tossing up a new pier with a bar at the end of it.
I have a feeling it will attempt to target folks from a bit higher tax bracket than I currently lounge around in.
The place is receiving a complete make over, and deservedly so. The little cabana’s are 18 years old! Oh, and all that driftwood,, GONE! It was hauled off to regions unknown.
They also have some free cats that need homes. I did suggest she talk to the Chineyman, but was near turned to stone from an icy glare that made me shiver!

They picked up trash! The truck made sounds that made me wonder if it was going to break down right here, but they picked up and left!
I hear of the three trucks, one now belongs to Siene Bight.(?) the one parked at the south end of the ball field now for weeks, full, presumably broke down.
I certainly would not want to be the guy who has to keep them things working!

Mrs. Barn has officially become a ‘Flickr Ho’!

“Where there’s a swill, there’s a sway.”

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