Ron Pitt.

Ron was a long time Placencia resident who was well known and well liked.
He had an impact on the music scene and was always brought up to play with whoever was doing a gig somewhere.
Ron was also the man behind Piranha Pizza. His pies were in every freezer in town and he had a pretty good delivery system going as well.
Ron moved into our house for a weekend once while we took a road trip to PG. he would stay and keep Scurvy and FuzzNutts fed and happy while generly watching over our compound.
When we returned from the trip, he began to tell us how famously he and Scurvy got along, but FuzzNutts apparently hated his guts! They got into a fight early on and Ron showed us his scratches to prove it. He was going on about “That fuckin cat is possessed.”

Ron will be missed,,
Raise your next beer in his name!
Bill asked me today, why was it that the cat was beating up on Ron? I said because Ron was feeding him food he didn't like. Fuzz was a very picky eater. When we got home I told Ron, "Oh, Fuzz doesn't like that food." He said, "Well I sure wish you would have told me that before you left!" Bill and I sure had a good belly laugh over remembering that today. Poor Ron. We sure will miss you.
We met Ron several trips ago and were impressed with his personality and gift for gab. He could talk with anyone on any subject and win. Like the old song said, "Could have been the whiskey, could have been the gin, could have been the 2 or 3 sixpacks, you know the rest. RIP Ron Pitts
Ron was truly a great individual with a passion for living life to the fullest. He will be missed here on this planet
got a call with the sad news on Wed. oooff, damn, I'm sure gonna miss him.
the quality conversations were a given, sprinkled with his quick wit which usually caught me off guard & had me laughing heartily, and can't forget his style when bitching about some shit too. He had a big 'ol heart but used few words when he gave something of his to someone in need, gruffly say ”here take this” and off he'd go..
Wisc.boy, corndog king, sing me one more song
Ron was a great neighbor in Wisconsin. He used to bring us his smoked fish all the time.He would deliver them by putting them in our mailbox and leaving a note to let him know what we thought of them.We have missed him as a neighbor and will really miss him now.
Sad to hear about Ron. He was our neighbor back in Scandinavia, Wi. He was the best neighbor anyone could ask for. Loved all the backyard parties( and food !!) during the summer. He will be missed.
Mike and Jean Degen
I didnt' know him well, but met him a couple times. So sorry to hear he passed.
There are literally thousands of friends and musicians in Central Wisconsin and the Midwest that would like to know what happened to Ron. He was a great guy with a great voice. Please let me know and I will try to get the word out.
Geez Ron, what were you thinking ??? You went and moved so far away from the Waupaca area and I thought that I missed you then. Now you've really gone far away, but you will always be in my heart and in my mind. I'll proudly raise my next beer to you.
Condolences to all of his past and present friends.
I always wondered where you went off to.Now sadly ,I know where you are. See you on the other side.Salute
He was a good fishing partner, and freind
Omg!I am in shock!I knew he moved to fact the last time I saw him was at the Wheelhouse about 5 yrs ago,and he invited me to visit...what happened to our buddy?Had some good times a bunch of years back...R.I.P. "Putter"
This news was a bit hard to believe and took me a bit to figure out what I wanted to post but...
Anyone that spent anytime around Ron knew he was a fantastic cook!. If you were fortunate enough to know him when we were together you may remember the surprise parties he put on for me. He got me "GOOD" two years in a row! He would convincingly tell me that he was out of town playing a gig at the time of my birthday, and little did I know that he was at a good friend's house literally cooking up a storm of all the wild game you've ever thought of. I was shocked when I would get driven up the driveway and see how he'd pulled it off and gotten so many people together and a huge bash for my special day... two years running. I'd walk in and he'd be standing there with a huge grin and a hearty laugh, knowing it was time to party for the night. Even though things didn't work out.... he was a special guy and will always hold a place in my heart.
Since reading this blog about his passing I've shared many good and fun memories about him with friends and family. As they say... RIP and in your case it means Rock It'sa Party
Thanks to everyone for all your kind words. He could be a snot, but he's the only brother I got. If anyone would like to email me, please do.
I would like to hear about him as much as possible.
Sharon.......Ron' sister
I just heard about this today, I was shocked. I was so looking forward to taking a trip to Belize to see it, and Ron as well. The trip to see him now, I am not so willing to take. R.I.P. cousin.
John Cook
Looks like I am a little late to the party. Very sorry to hear of Ron's demise and I would like to extend my belated condolences to his close friends and family. Not surprising to see Shuster and Laughingwater here as that is whom I met Ron through, sometime back in the 75-ish range.
Ron was always cordial to me and we had a laugh or two over the years. He was an outdoorsman and we always had plenty to talk about. Had not seen him for a few years and got a call from him out of the blue, just before he left the US. That was the last time we spoke. He's in a happy place now...playing music, hunting and fishing 24/7. See you on the other side one day.
Reading your note about Ron was ....nice. hope life is treating you well !
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